Sweet Bird’s Nests

It’s almost Easter! Time for sweet treats. I’m bringing these bird’s nests to Mya’s class for her “Easter party #1.” They’re super simple to make. Mya even helped me with them.

Chow Mein Noodles (the cracker-like stuff – not real chow mein)
Butterscotch Morsels
Cadbury Mini Eggs (yes, we got into our bag before making this)

Step 1: Melt the butterscotch morsels. I use the double boiler method since I don’t get good results with my microwave oven. But if you’re comfortable with your microwave oven, by all means, go for it.

Step 2: Add chow mein noodles. We added about half a package (or 8 oz.) of noodles.

Step 3: Mix. It’s more like folding. You don’t want to break up the noodles too much.

Step 4: Make nests. Line a baking sheet with wax or parchment paper. Using a tablespoon, scoop the noodles into little piles on the lined sheet. Using your fingers, manipulate the noodles so that they become nest-like.

Step 5: Add eggs. Add the candy eggs while the butterscotch is still melted and they will stick to the nest when it’s cooled.

Step 6: Allow to cool and harden. You can either leave them out or do what I did and stick them in the fridge.

And that’s it!! Easy peasy. I’ve got more to make this week–Treats for both kids and adults.

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