Easter Sugar Cookie Wreath


I haven’t made sugar cookies in a very long time. I’m pretty sure it has been well over a year — even close to two years! Sugar cookies are a process. You have to mix and refrigerate the dough, roll and cut the dough, freeze the cookies, bake them, make icing and ice the cookies, then wait until they fully dry or dry enough to add another color so that the colors don’t bleed.

That being said, sugar cookies are my favorite cookies to make — mostly because you can get pretty creative with them. Not to mention that I have an affinity for the crunchy royal icing and buttery cookie.

Last week, I decided to get the cookie cutters out and have a go at it again. We were celebrating Easter at our friend’s house and I wanted to make a treat for occasion and something for the two girls that lived across the street from them. 

A sugar cookie wreath has been on my to-do list for quite a while. I’ve seen Christmas versions using poinsettias. My Easter version had “everything spring” plus a few crosses to remind us what Easter is all about. The base ring was cut with a paring knife, using a plate as a guide. Once the all cookies were iced and fully dry, I attached them to the pre-iced ring using royal icing. It sure makes a stunning presentation!

This wreath was a collaborative effort with my kids. When I pulled out the stained copy of my favorite sugar cookie recipe and watched my daughter use it as a spoon rest, I totally freaked out and said, “No! That’s my only copy!” That’s when it hit me — I didn’t have this recipe online! One of the main reasons why I blog is to store my recipes since I’m quite forgetful and tend to misplace items. I found this recipe on the Joy of Baking website over 10 years ago. They have since changed their sugar cookie recipe which is why I’ve kept a paper copy for so long. So for my sake (and hopefully yours) I’ve posted the recipe below.

I hope you enjoy!


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