I was a child of the 80’s. Yes, I wore banana clips and scrunchies. I cherished my beloved fluorescent green tank top with black shorts that had fluorescent hearts all over it. I put hairspray in my bangs and put them as high as I could go while keeping the whole “wave tube” look. I scrunched my socks and had the tan lines to prove it.
Madonna, Bananarama, The Bangles, Michael Jackson, Steve Winwood, Whitney Houston… You name an artist/band from the 80’s, I’m sure I tried to record it on cassette tape off the radio.
The 80’s were awesome.
This past weekend I ran the “Awesome 80’s Run 10k” at Fiesta Island in San Diego. I went with a few friends and we had a blast. I rocked a side pony and put on a cut-off t-shirt.

There were a few people with really cool costumes: Ghostbusters with the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man, the Karate Kid Part I & II group (Mr. Miyagi, Daniel-san, Kobra Kai gang, Kumiko), Pac Man and ghosts… even Gumby made an appearance to do some break dancing! It was rad.
My chip time said I completed the 10k in 1:03:21 at a 10:13/mi pace. My GPS was not too far off giving me a 10:05/mi pace – of course, that’s calculating the zigzagging that I was doing between people, adding to my mileage. I took it easy during the race – the Monday prior to the run, I went for a 5-mile run and rolled my ankle 3 times. No major injuries, just a slightly swollen Awesome Hair.[/caption]
Yeah I know you can’t see it. But the outfit had the “music theme” suspenders that held up black pants with an elastic belt (it was either white, blue, or pink) that had a record as a buckle. I forget what the shirt looked like. Remember when Fergie was on KIDS, Inc.? She went by her real name, “Stacey” back then. Now would you think of Fergie the same if she went by Stacey?
Ah, the 80’s. Now someone tell me where I can find episodes of Punky Brewster so I can show my kids!
I soooo wish I kept my charm necklace. My toddler would love it right now!
I tried to recall what I had on mine. I’m sure a whistle was part of it!
I wish I still had my pogo ball…